Ed-ICT Symposium: Montreal, Day One

If you read my teaser post yesterday, then you'd you know that I am in Montreal, Quebec! Today is the first day of the disability-focused symposium, hosted by Ed-ICT. I am super excited to be here! So far, I have some free Starbucks coffee and a 10-count of chocolate Timbits. I don't have access to …

Ed-ICT Symposium: Montreal Teaser

Time for one of the big reveals of this summer! I am going to Montreal! Actually, I am en route to Montreal right now! If you read any of my posts about the last Ed-ICT symposium that I attended in Seattle, you already have an idea about what this is all about! Background As a …

Surviving Summer Courses

It's that time of year: summer. When you were little, it meant staying up later and having no homework. Summer courses or "Monday mornings" never crossed your mind while you played all day! Those were the days, huh? Now, you're in college. Summer is a mythical time that you fantasize about during exam weeks. Your mind enjoys …

Balancing Life as a College Student: Summer Edition

If you're a college student like me, you've probably just finished finals and took a few days to sleep until well after noon. Maybe you just vegged and did absolutely nothing, or maybe you made a few half-hearted attempts at getting some work done. Then, the it happened: Reality set in and you realized that …