The Intrinsic Value of Nonprofits

Standing in 82-degree weather dripping with sweat and feeling the dull ache in my hands as I swung the garden hoe down to break up the dry earth, all I could think was: “I hope that this sweat dries before I get to the formal Friday Center for the Bernstein Dinner, but either way – …

Just a Little Gratitude

In this realm of negativity and terrible news, I figured that I would share just a little gratitude with y’all! I have had a very difficult time readjusting to school after my surgery recovery. However, there have been several wonderful developments lately that I want to share with y’all. I feel so grateful to have …

My Fall Internship: A Teaser

I know that I’ve been MIA, but I’m back with a new update: my fall internship! If there’s one thing that I know for sure right now, it’s that this is definitely not where I expected my life to be at the end of last semester! While I’ve gone through several major life transitions lately, …